1. Drive slow- Take a tip from controversial hip hop artist Kanye West who made shutter shades famous and drive slow. Check out the video after you read the blog, compliments of YouTube. There is no magical speed which we can drive to get the best fuel efficiency, it depends on your car. Visit this government website FuelEconomy to find out about your gas mileage. The information is based on 15,000 miles; 45% highway driving and 55% street driving. My car is ranked 6 out of 10, I wish it was better but my next car will definitely be a hybrid!
2004 Mazda 3, 4 Cylinder, Automatic (S4)
23 MPG for street, 32 MPG for highway driving
2. Plan out your route- Its easy to be out and about then all of sudden remember an extra errand you must do. Take five minutes before you leave and think about all the stores or places you need to visit. Plan a route which covers all stops and will not make you back track. By getting all your errands done in one trip you will save time and money.
3. Do not accelerate fast- Keep your RPMs (rate per minute) low when hitting the gas. Accelerating quickly will cause your RPMs to rise and waste gas; gradually build up to the speed limit. You can also keep RPMs low by always driving in the highest gear, so if you drive a manual use the highest gear possible. Automatic cars automatically do this, hence the name.
4. Cruise- Use cruise control as much as possible but only when driving on flat terrain. When you use cruise control on hills and dips, your car will brake and accelerate too much. You can even use cruise control when on roads, if its a major street you can hit the lights perfectly when traffic is not heavy. If you cannot cruise, try to stay around the same speed keeping; rapid braking and accelerating will use up your gas quickly.
5. Drive like your grandparents- Let's face it, many elderly people drive a maximum of 55 MPH but it is actually a good thing. Basically any car will waste extra gas going over 55 MPH, so you may make people mad on the highway but at least you'll be saving gas and avoiding tickets. Going over 55 MPH is like paying 15 cents extra per gallon of gas. My boyfriends tells me I drive like a grandma because I drive slow, oops! Some state highways have 55 MPH as a maximum speed limit but some highways in Arizona are up to 75 MPH, tempting but in the long run you will save money on fuel.
6. Keep your car maintained- By keeping your tire pressure within regulation, balanced, and rotated you will save gas. Uneven tire pressure and unbalanced tires, will use extra fuel.. Also keep your oil, power steering fluid, and other liquids for your vehicle in check. Also, get your emissions tested regularly; most states require this when registering your vehicle.
7. Air Conditioning- This is a tricky topic because there are many studies which show rolling down your window may waste gas as well. A good rule of thumb is to roll down your windows on the streets but use air conditioning on the highway. When driving at higher speeds the wind may catch in the back of your car and slow it down so using the air on a low to medium setting is best. Blasting your air conditioning on high may get circulation but the air will be colder at a lower temperature.
8. Cool your car down quick- Especially in Arizona our cars heat up in the hot weather, use your sunshade and tint your windows to the darkest (legal) shade. Upon entering your car, turn on air full blast and put it on outside air. Roll your windows down half way and drive for a few minutes; this will get the hot, stuffy air out of your car. After roll up your windows, put your air conditioning on a medium to low setting, and use inside air. This way your car will use the cooler air from inside your car instead of the hot outside air.
Arizona drivers pay attention: during the summer the inside of your car can get up to 130 degrees. Don't leave children or pets in the car, even for a moment! It is illegal and unethical, so do not do it!
9. Carpool- Many of my friends have to go to other ASU campuses so they plan to take classes in the same time period and they can all drive together. Have the person will the best fuel efficiency drive and split gas or take turns driving. You can also buy one parking pass, especially at ASU where parking is ridiculously priced. Carpooling is a great way to save money on gas, keep your wallet full, and catch up with friends.
10. Do not drive through- Although drive through coffee, food, and banking can be great when your pressed for time its bad for your wallet and the environment. Actually, idling in a car can use more gas then turning it off! One of my favorite tweeters @OMGFacts says that idling in the average car using 1.6 ounces of gas per minute but it only takes .5 ounce to turn off the car and turn it back on. So waiting in the drive through line for five minutes can use way more gas then if you turned your car off, when inside, and restarted it. When waiting to pick someone up just park and turn your car off.
These are a few simple steps to saving gas, money, and helping the environment. To me, these are such easy ways to take and being a college student its important for me to save money. Anyone can use these tips no matter what kind of car you drive so try these steps out for a month and see how much of a difference it makes at the gas pump. You will also be helping the environment because your car will emit less carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen gas into the air. Take Kanye's advice: put on your shutter shades and drive slow homie.
I hope you enjoyed these tips and will incorporate them into your daily life. Check back soon for blogs on the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car" and alternative transportation.
Kayne West- Drive Slow featuring Paul Wall, GLC, and T.I. is great song but it actually was not written about going green. Video is not edited and contains some rated-R material.
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