Friday, February 26, 2010

One Bad Apple

The Apple Corporation seems to be a forerunner in the technological advances but many question their business practices- from shareholders to Greenpeace to the United States government. At a recent board meeting for Apple, it seems they are is hesitant to go green. Steve Jobs and his investors make a majority of the decisions at Apple; ironically not the shareholders. Many shareholders questioned Jobs about Apple's commitment to the environment. Obviously the constant questioning from shareholders keeps Jobs stressed because when asked what keeps him up at night his reply was "shareholder meetings".

One source at Tech Eye claims the investors declined to produce a full environmental report because it was "un-necesary and expensive". So a company that makes millions of dollars a year cannot afford to see how they are damaging the environment? Something seems wrong with that.

When asked about Apple's commitment to the environment, Jobs criticized other companies for merely making promises. On the Apple website Jobs states Apple is not open with their future plans to become more environmentally friendly, in my opinion because they most likely do not have a plan. But it seems we always know when new products, applications, or software is coming out from Apple? Face it Jobs, you do not have a plan to go green.

On a positive note, they reduced the size of boxes and limited the use of 747 cargo plans says CIO. But Jobs did comment is was the right thing to do for the environment and for business. So basically, Apple took these steps primarily to save money and going green was secondary. I understand sustainability and saving money go hand in hand but do not claim you are helping the environment when you are merely trying to save money. Going green should be the first priority and saving money comes along with it, not vice-versa.

Apple withdrew its membership from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce regarding Green Policies. So if Apple was truly making strides to be more green why would they no longer participate in the program?

Overall, it seems Apple and Steve Jobs are hesitant to going green while avoiding to answer questions from shareholders and the media alike. From saying environmental reports are unnecessary, having no future plan to go green, and reducing its membership from a government program to become sustainable it seems Apple is taking all the wrong steps.

It is ironic Steve Jobs helped produce the movie Wall-e, a Disney hit about a lonely robot on earth. (Blog about this coming soon) This movie begs us to consider how we treat our environment because one day we will exhaust all the world's natural resources and trash the planet. So Jobs, you have no plan for Apple to go green but you have time to contribute to a Disney film? It seems you need to get your priorities straight and start thinking about the environment rather than how many millions are going into your pocket.

We're waiting for a statement Jobs, a statement on how Apple is going to be green.

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