Many people do not understand how simple it is to be environmental conscious- it is actually quite simple! In addition to helping out the environment, you will also be saving money! Who doesn't want that? Here are five easy (and cheap) ways for college students to green their room:
1. Purchase CFL light bulbs- CFL stands for compact flurescent light bulbs and can save you money on electricity bills. Energy Star approved CFL bulbs using 75% energy and last ten times longer than normal bulbs. Not only are do they use less electricity but you do not have to buy them as often. The only downside to CFL bulbs are they are dim when first turned on and take a minute or so to reach their full brightness. Contact your local energy provider, they often offer free bulbs or incentives if you use them in your home.
2. Use power strips- Plugging your TV, DVD, and cable box into the same power strip is something that you may already do but did you know it could save you money? A large portion of your energy bill can come from not completely turning off or unplugging your electronics. Even if your computer is turned off, it is still using power. By having your electronics plugged into a power strip and shutting it off when not in use there will be a significant drop in your energy bill.
3. Recycle- If you are not provided a recycling bin call your city and they will provide you one for free or a small fee. For ASU students, the City of Tempe website will provide you a blue bin for recycling if you do not already have one. Glass, paper, plastics, and cardboard are normal recycled items. Contact your local waste management if have any questions on what can or cannot be recycled.
4. Use your blinds- This sounds so vague but it can be a big money saver. Next time you are doing homework, think about the light you use. If you do homework during the day you can utilize day light instead of using artificial lighting. If its winter time open East and West facing windows to let in sunlight to warm the room instead of using the heater; east in the morning and west in the afternoon.
5. Use your printer wisely- Print things double sided whenever possible. Ask your teachers first if you can print double side most of the time they will say yes since its for a good cause. Only print when necessary, if you can read it online then don't waste paper. This will save you money on paper, ink, and electricity.
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