Another one of my obsessions happens to be ABC Family's hit show "Greek" about fraternity and sorority life. Drama unfolds between significant others, best friends, and inter-house conflicts. The show is in the third season and main character, Casey Cartwright, is a senior in college just like me. There are many reasons why I love Casey Cartwright and why we are so much alike!
We both...
1. Are in sororities with Zeta in the name! I am a member of Delta Zeta and she is in the fictional sorority Zeta Beta Zeta.
2. Took the LSAT in order to prepare for law school. In the recent season she had to for go partying for Mardi Gras in order to studying and take her LSAT, I had to skip on my fall formal because my test was the next day.
3. Live in the sorority house with one our of best friends. Although ASU does not have sorority houses, we all live together in Adelphi Commons.
4. Got back together with our first college boyfriends. She dated Cappie her freshman year and they get back together in her junior year. My first (and only) college boyfriend and I got back together after not dating for a year.
5. Care about the environment! By now, I'm sure you are wondering why I am blogging about a fictional character and not about going green. But Casey takes care of the environment because she-
Walks around campus- Casey walks around her campus and studies outdoors.
Drives a hybrid- when she does drive, she drives a red Prius.
Uses reusable grocery bags- in season two she takes dinner to her then boyfriend Max in a green reusable carrying bag and carries it at other times.
6. Interested in environmental policies. Casey wants to work on environmental legislation in Washington D.C. while I want to go to law school for Environmental or Natural Resource Law.
7. Interned over the Summer in areas we are interested in; she interned for a Senator and I interned at Tech Go Green, a sustainable consulting firm.
It is simple to see that environmental cues are hidden in popular culture; take a fictional show about the Greek system and look at how much the main character is into going green. But its more than a character- in real life, actress Spencer Grammer is an advocate of going green. She is part of Global Green USA, a program to teach kids on how to help the environment at their school. She even told EcoRazzi, a green gossip blog that she can't date anyone who leaves the faucet running or turns on the shower way before they hop in!
Overall I love the show Greek; I can really relate to Casey Cartwright through her sorority struggles, law school career path, and environmental interests. Sources say Greek has signed on for its fourth season, which means you should start watching it. Its a show for guys, girls, Greeks, or non-Greeks; I promise you will love it. I even got my boyfriend hooked on it, so enjoy!
Want to catch up on Greek? Visit Hulu and watch all the seasons!
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