A: What year are you in school?
J: I am enrolled as a senior but it is my fifth year because I transferred colleges.
A: What is your major?
J: I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Energy and Environment. I am also minoring in Math and Sustainability.
A: Wow, that's quite the undergraduate degree. From what I understand you see your regular advisor regarding the minor? Has your advisor been helpful?
J: My Mechanical Engineer advisor has been helpful and has answered most of my questions.
A: Have you had to go to the School of Sustainability at all?
J: No, luckily my advisor just called over to their office if she didn't know the answer.
A: That's good, sometimes it hard to deal with different advising offices at ASU. I'm glad it is running smoothly. What classes are you taking this semester for the minor?
J: I am currently talking SOS 100, which is Introduction to Sustainability.
A: Looking over your syllabus and based on what you've learned so far, what are you learning related to your minor?
J: After looking over the syllabus it seems like the class is set up to open your mind towards more of a sustainability thinking while giving me a good foundation on the different problems facing our earth and the ways to fix it by going green.A: Looking over your syllabus and based on what you've learned so far, what are you learning related to your minor?
A: What do you hope to gain from the minor?
J: From this minor I hope to gain a better understanding and foundation of sustainability while enhancing my knowledge towards my major. My major is geared on a concentration in Energy and Environment, so in other words, it is going to educate me on how to become an engineer while thinking and implementing more green techniques. So in the long run I hope that this minor will be able to help me have a better understanding on how to do that.
A: What are your career plans and goals?
J: My career plans/goals is to first graduate! After that my dream job would be to become an Engineer working on anything regarding going green; more specifically I would love to work in the field regarding anything with alternative energy or alternative fuels.
A: Yes, graduating is always the first step. But it seems like you are planning very well and will be eligible for a great job. Anything else you would like to say?
J: I think with the world in more need of going green that this minor is a great opportunity students should definitely look into. I feel that with this minor and my major concentration that I already have an advantage in finding a job over other students. I am excited about the upcoming classes I will be taking and am very excited to broaden my knowledge on sustainability!
A: I completely agree, you will have a leg up on the competition. Well best of luck and I look forward to hearing about the rest of your classes.
Interview with Jarett Costello. September 22, 2010.