Today is wonderful, my blog is now an actual website! Although you may still access it through Blogspot, my new URL is-
My website is fairly new but thus far I have received a respectable amount of recognition. I would like to say a few thank you's to all the organizations and people who have supported my blog.
Tech Go Green- The non-profit I interned for this summer featured one of my postings on their web page and in their blog. I had a wonderful experience interning there as well keeping in touch with them after my time with them.
Delta Zeta Sorority- My sorority featured me on their website for Awards and Recognitions under College Success Stories, such an honor!
Pink Goes Green- Delta Zeta's national campaign for the environment featured me as a guest blogger on their blog. Thank you Kelley Hunter, one day I hope my blog is as great as yours!
Communications 323- Originally, this was set up for a class assignment so I picked a topic I was passionate about. During midterms we did blog awards and I was given Best Blog, so thank you to my class mates!
I would also like to thank all the people I have contacted to do stories about their articles, products, or documentaries. Everyone I have dealt with has been awesome and easy to work with- I am grateful for this. Thank you to my readers and followers as well!
Please stay up to date with my site because I have many exciting topics to cover in the near future, here's a sneak peak...
Sun Chips Decomposable Bag- do they really decompose in soil? I am going to put them to the test.
Review of ReUsies- I found a company that makes reusable sandwich and snack bags and I have been using them for a week now. I am so excited to tell you all about them.
Who Killed the Electric Car- I'm waiting to get my hands on a copy of the documentary so I can write a summary and provide some facts from this video.
If you have any suggestions or requests for certain topics please do not hesitate to contact me at I look forward to hearing your feedback, questions, and requests. Thanks for being a reader of The Green College Student!
Please use from now on.
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